Mega Software & Game Pack for Cect i9, Sciphone, i68
Buy now this mega software pack with a lot of software, tools, manuals and games for your iPhone Clone.
You can use the items for Mobilphones like Cect i9, Sciphone i68, i9+++, i68++ and for the most other mobilphones from china too.
You can buy this Mobil Software Pack only here!
- MTK Firmware Reader
- Opera Mini Browser Edition
- Slide 2 Unlock Text Tool
- Mobile PDF Reader
- MSN Messenger
- Yahoo Messenger
- MyJal MediaPal
- MTK Langage Edit Tool
- Phonesuite v2.0 Sync Soft
- Webcam, Com Port & USB Treiber/Driver
- IMEI Edit Tool
- Cable Treiber/Driver
- Treiber/Driver für XP & Vista
- Firmware Cect i9 3G
- Handbuch/Manual Sciphone i68++
- Handbuch/Manual Cect i9
- Anleitung/Manual: How to use Phone as Modem
- Snake
- Batman Begins
- Harry Potter
- Anno 1701
- Darkest Fear
- Darkest Fear 2
- Arkanoid
- Starcraft Ghost
You use the software, tools and other items on own risk.
If you dont know anything about mobilphone-software you shouldn´t use it for your phone. If you would make mistakes it could happen that the phone would be damaged or working incorrect.
Tags: cect driver, cect i9 driver , sciphone driver, i68 driver, i9 +++ driver, cect games, sciphone games, cect tools, sciphone tools, cect software, sciphone software, ciphone, efox 3gs, cect manual, sciphone manual, mega, software, mobilegame, gamepack, cect, i68, sciphone, Mobile, Software