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Flute Studies Method and Exercises Books Collection in pdf format
Flute Studies Collection in pdf format
Collection are:
26 Selected Studies (Part 1)
26 Selected Studies (Part 2)
Method for the Boehm Flute (Part 1)
Method for the Boehm Flute (Part 2)
Bach, JS - 24 Flute Concert Studies
20 Studies Op 132
30 Easy and Progressive Studies
Karg-Elert - 30 Studies Op 107
20 Progressive Exercises, Op 93 (book 1)
20 Progressive Exercises Op 93 (book 2)
Reichert - 7 Daily Exercises Op 5
Wagner, E:
The Foundation to Flute Playing (Part 1)
The Foundation to Flute Playing (Part 2)
Flute Studies in Old and Modern Styles (Part 1)
Flute Studies in Old and Modern Styles (Part 2)
Flute Studies in Old and Modern Styles (Part 3)
Flute Studies in Old and Modern Styles (Part 4)
Note: more will be added continually
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This file is sold by kahllua, an independent seller on Tradebit.